Will the additional money give the health service in NI the boost it needs?
Health and care services in Northern Ireland are to receive an additional £300m in a deal in which Democratic Unionist Party MPs will support the Conservative Government at Westminster.
Prime Minister Theresa May agreed a total extra investment of £1bn over two years in return for the Ulster party’s support, which will enable the mjnority Conservative government to continue in power.
Some £200m of the total is to be spent on health service transformation, £50m on mental health, and £50m on addressing immediate pressures.
- The extra resources will create something of a breathing space in Northern Ireland and allow some transformation work to take place, but that the province’s health services are still under huge pressure.
- What do you think may be the political impact of Northern Ireland getting extra money when other parts of the UK are also feeling the impact of austerity?
- The extra cash will ease immediate pressures. However, do you think money will remain an issue for Northern Ireland’s health services?
Further information
UK Government: Conservative and DUP Agreement and UK Government financial support for Northern Ireland