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South East Mental Health Transformation and Sustainability Network

With an increasing focus on STPs as the future for innovation and change, the name of the networks will be changing to reflect this. With effect from September 2017, all networks will now be known as Regional Mental Health Transformation and Sustainability Networks.

We are delighted to announce we are holding a ninth South East event.

The meeting will once again be chaired by Dr Lise Hertel – Clinical Associate New Care Models Programme at NHS England, Medical Lead for North Central London Out of Hours Service – Care UK, Member of NICE Commissioning Reference Panel, The Project Surgery, with a focus on:

  • Psychosis – How do we need to change the system to manage psychotic crisis?
  • ADHD – developing a sustainable service for adults with ADHD across the South East
  • Depression – building capacity in the community and a recovery-focused service

The aims, objectives and structure of the series will remain the same; to bring together like minded people from primary and secondary care, and associated organisations involved in the commissioning and delivery of services to care for and support patients with mental health conditions. This provides a platform for active discussion and exchange of ideas to cope with the commissioning challenges encountered in mental health in a more integrated way. The new focus on STPs will also allow for the introduction of a regional seating plan to further aid local discussion and outputs.

Feedback from previous meetings:

“High quality presentations”, “Interesting presentations, discussions and networking opportunity”, “A very informative day”

Recommended for:

“Commissioning directors”, “Leads for mental health”, “Clinicians with management roles”, “CCG commissioning managers”

For further information contact the Wilmington Healthcare Events Team on 0845 121 3686 or at



Chair: Dr Lise Hertel – Clinical Associate New Care Models Programme at NHS England, Medical Lead for North Central London Out of Hours Service – Care UK, Member of NICE Commissioning Reference Panel, The Project Surgery

10.00    Registration and refreshments

10.30    Welcome: Mr Paul Midgley – Director of NHS Insight, Wilmington Healthcare

10.35    Introduction and context: Dr Lise Hertel

10.45    Physical Health Care for People with Serious Mental Illness: Ms Sarah Holloway – Deputy Head of Mental Health, Programme Lead for Adult Mental Health, Mental Health Clinical Policy & Strategy Team, Medical Directorate, NHS England and Ms Amy Clark – Mental Health Clinical Policy & Strategy Team, Medical Directorate, NHS England

Session One: Psychosis – How do we need to change the system to manage psychotic crisis?

11.05    Improving outcome measurement in liaison mental health care: Dr Alex Thomson – Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist and Clinical Network Lead, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

11.25    Implementing EIP in the South: Ms Sarah Amani – Southern Region EIP Programme Manager, Oxford AHSN

11.45    Table Discussion – managing crisis care more effectively in our area – what are we doing to reduce incidence of crises?

12.15    Feedback and Panel Q&A: Speakers plus Mr Dave Holman – Mental Health Lead, West Kent CCG

12.35    Networking and buffet lunch

13.15    Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health and co-occurring conditions guidance for substance misuse and mental health: Ms Nisha Sharma – Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager, Public Health England South East

Session Two: ADHD – developing a sustainable service for adults with ADHD across the South East

13.30    The risks of not commissioning a specialised adult ADHD service: Dr Philip Ferreira Lay – Clinical Director, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

14.10    Table Discussion – how do we develop a robust, sustainable service for adults with ADHD in our STP?13.50    Developing a sustainable service: Dr Sanjay Jain – Adult ADHD Lead Clinician, West Sussex; UKAAN South East representative

14.25    Feedback and Panel Q&A: Speakers plus Mr Dave Holman

14.45    Break and tea

Session Three: Depression – building capacity in the community and a recovery-focused service

15.00    Transforming how we manage depression through evidence based integrated care pathways: Dr Phil Moore – Deputy Chair (Clinical), Joint Associate Medical Director: SI MH; Chair: Mental Health Commissioners Network, Kingston CCG and NHS Clinical Commissioners

15.30    Table Discussion –  To what extent are our current depression services set up to promote recovery in each setting?

15.45    Feedback and Panel Q&A: Speakers plus Mr Dave Holman

16.00    Summary and key learning points: Dr Lise Hertel

16.15    Meeting Close