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Healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) is a major issue for those needing care in the acute sector or those living in care homes and other institutions.

Patients expect that they will not inadvertently pick up an infection with the potential for long-term effects.

This course will enhance your knowledge of the key concerns in the healthcare sector regarding infections, the potential impact on patients and be enable you to demonstrate knowledge of standard precautions.


One module and a ten question exam.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify some of the key concerns in the healthcare sector regarding infections name four bacteria which are having a considerable impact
  • Determine the potential impact on patients
  • Describe the chain of infection and how it might be interrupted
  • Describe the three core elements of the chain of infection
  • Demonstrate knowledge of standard precautions and its components
  • Summarise some of the many aspects of antimicrobial resistance that are a cause of concern
  • Identify what the World Health Organization records as actions that can be taken by members of the public to reduce antimicrobial resistance
  • Name two metals that are assisting with antimicrobial proliferation
  • Identify some ways in which technology can be brought to market more rapidly
  • Specify different types of personal protective equipment

Hospital and Theatre Access suite – includes all courses

£39+ VAT

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